The Truth About FiveStreet

Turn Quality Leads Into Closed Sales

For the lone broker or the brokerage with many teams, there is a love-hate relationship with online leads. You love that your business has online visibility and is able to generate leads from an additional source outside of word-of-mouth referrals. But you hate how the many leads generated are easily lost or forgotten amongst the other responsibilities of being a real estate professional. Not to mention that studies have shown that if you don’t respond within 5 minutes, you’re significantly decreasing the odds of doing business with that lead.

If you’re not following up with your leads within 5 minutes, someone else is!

That’s right! There is urgency surrounding how swiftly you should respond to leads. Ignoring this could mean leaving tons of money on the table – for someone else – while damaging your brand in the process. YIKES!

Luckily, there is a tool to help you with that – FiveStreet.

The truth about FiveStreet

Gone are the days where you have to manually follow-up with each inquiry from every lead-generating source. FiveStreet allows you to stay connected, gather information and follow-up with your leads in real time. You can also connect with leads throughout the remainder of the real estate lifecycle using tools provided by ListHub and Market Snapshot. Click here to learn how you can get an edge over competitors with the Business Builder Bundle.
