Go Global!

International Home Sales in U.S. Reach $104 Billion

Since 2007, the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) has conducted a yearly survey to measure the sales of U.S. residential real estate to international clients. The survey provides information about the origin, destination, and buying preferences of international homebuyers in the U.S. as well as the challenges and opportunities faced by REALTORS® in the international market.

Below are some of the key findings of the 2015 Profile of International Home Buying Activity.

Record Sales Volume & Continued Growth

For the period of April 2014 – March 2015, the amount of total home sales to international clients has been estimated at approximately $104 billion, a 13% increase from the previous year!

Five Countries Account for 51% of International Purchases

International home buyers in the U.S. came from nearly all over the globe, but there are five countries that have the account for the largest amounts of U.S. home purchases – Canada, China, Mexico, India, and the United Kingdom. These five countries account for over 51% of total purchases by international buyers!

China Leads the Pack for Unit and Dollar Volume

For the first time, China exceeded all other countries in terms of dollar volume and units purchased, accounting for an estimated $28.6 billion in sales. This account for about 16% of total international home sales in the U.S.!  Much of this can be attributed to the fact that Chinese buyers typically purchase the most expensive properties at an average price of $831,800 – compared to the overall U.S. average home price of $255,600.

Importance of Working with a REALTOR®

“Working with a REALTOR® gives buyers from across the globe a considerable advantage,” said NAR President Chris Polychron, executive broker with 1st Choice Realty in Hot Springs, Ark. ” REALTORS® who have completed NAR’s Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) designation have obtained specialized training and are best prepared to help clients with the unique challenges of being an international property buyer.”

Reaching foreign buyers can be challenging. With language barriers and strict internet regulations, real estate professionals often have a hard time getting their listings in front of these potential international clients. With ListHub Global, your members can automatically send their listings to a network of over 70 international property websites in over 40 countries around the world. This network includes Fang.com – the most searched property portal in China with over 3 million unique users per day, as well as other top sites in the United Kingdom, Russia, and all across the globe. CIPS Designees can also receive 10% off the price of ListHub Global. Click here to learn more about ListHub Global.

Check out the below infographic on international home sales in the U.S.:

ListHub Global - 2015 International Buyers


Click here to read the full 2015 Profile of International Home Buying Activity report.